Well,Initially it is difficult to choose “1” Place in MUMBAI which is close to my heart or which I can say Yes, “The so & so Place is my Favorite.”

Unfortunately,My Friend was not in a mood to spare me and he forced me to answer it .. So There it Goes,My Reply to him was – ♥ MARINE DRIVE ♥ a.k.a. ♥ Queen's Necklace ♥
And Now the Big Question,Why?
Long Back in 2006,I guess? I was at Marine Drive around 5.30 in the morning.
And Now the Big Question,Why?
Long Back in 2006,I guess? I was at Marine Drive around 5.30 in the morning.
Well,I saw the first pinkish rays of the sun falling over the waters of the Arabian Sea .. The surface was pinkish like someone has put pink jelly on the top of the sea .. What a majestic sight it was! .. Early joggers having their run .. blissful and peaceful night giving way to noisy day .. It was Nonetheless , “A Love at First Sight” .. And After that there was no stopping me,I have visited that place more often than you guyz can imagine during my Junior College Years .. Yes,Offcourse Not around 5.30 in the morning though :P
South Mumbai,Glamour,Chicks,Traffic,Awesome Crowd,Dreams,Desires etc etc .. But For me, its the place where i cud simply connect to 'ME' .. More importantly its the place that inspires me .. Inspires me to be myself..!
Marine drive is definitely a place where i cud just walk on the promenade with breeze n the waves of the sea being my companions.
So many Memories associated with this place .. I have been there when I was bit low & even when I was bit high :p … Well,I guess Everyone have got the answer by now,why it is the one of my favorite place.
So many Memories associated with this place .. I have been there when I was bit low & even when I was bit high :p … Well,I guess Everyone have got the answer by now,why it is the one of my favorite place.
PS :- " Take a walk @Marine Drive/Neclace , Sit there, Gaze @ the sea, find dat inner peace, find urself, and u shall come bak with a Huge Smile on ur face :-)"
Also next time you go there, feel the place.